Culinary art

96 Pins
Playground Series: Monet’s Garden – An Ode to Claude Monet
Monet's Garden - Tomato Tea, Olive Soil, Borage, Tobiko, Nasturtium, Gold Leaf & Sprout Leaves
Fermented carrot anise curry, seaweed butter lobster, whipped jasmine, hazelnut, black garlic, anise herbs @freshoriginsmicrogreens . . . . #chefstalk #mymuybuenochefs #soignefood #epicplateup #chefsplateform #thechefstablegram #foodregrammer #robertocortez #Regram via @BtMB9msneqF
Smoked venison, beets, and chocolate by @chefdanielwatkins #TheArtOfPlating
Aged beef, forest mushroom cream, smoked onions, and truffle by @vladelo #TheArtOfPlating
"Bismarckhering" / yellow beet / egg / dill by @suhring_twins -posted via @chefstalk app #chefstalk