
8 Pins
The Times: Harnessing the power of an agile culture
7 Elements of Agile Culture - from the Agile Business Consortium
Advanced Topic - SAFe Requirements Model - Scaled Agile Framework
The Scaled Agile SAFe Requirements Model for Lean Enterprises. This is the SAFe model that demonstrates a scaleable way to express requirements as Epics, Capabilities, Features, Stories, and Nonfunctional Requirements
Infographic: Agile Project Framework Principles - IAG Consulting
The Agile Business Consortium's 8 Principles of Agile Project Management with key enablers and perspective from IAG.
Agile Portfolio Management (AgilePfM) by the Agile Business Consortium. For more information buy the pocketbook or talk to IAG
The Essential Unified Process (EssUP) is an agile, scalable, lightweight, iterative software development process suitable for use on most kinds of projects. It is designed to provide a minimal, yet complete way-of-working that can easily scale to fit any size and type of software project.