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Surfing a word-record 80 foot gigantic wave
Nature always makes you feel small. Brazilian surfer Rodrigo Koxa surfed a record-setting 80-foot wave in November 2017 off the coast of Nazaré, Portugal. Just look at the lighthouse and onlookers in perspective to the surfer surrounded by the mountainous wave, or shall we say avalanche. Watch it for yourself. #waves #nature #video
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Wake up and smell the ocean! Carefree living for the waves.Share with me the Love of the Ocean Beach Surf, Catch a Wave, Chase and ride the waves, Travel to Bali, Travel to Hawaii, Travel to Portugal, Life is meant for living not dying! For the Free Spirits Living in the Sea surfer girl, surfing, surf fishing, surf,surfer style guy, surf beach swimming party ideas, surf trippin', surf photography, surf style clothes, surf lifestyle, surf style, surf board, surfer quotes, surf ..
Surfen ist eine Lebenseinstellung. Diese Riesen Wellen findest Du an der NorthShore von Oahu. Fühle den Aloha-Spirit auf Hawaii.
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These Child Surf Prodigies Riding The Waves Are Totally Adorable
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A surfer inside a barrel
A surfer inside a barrel - via