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These examples prove that with proper design, a home short on floor space can be functional. You can view more space saving ideas here If you live in a tiny inner city apartment, a granny flat, a small cottage or a house that has more people than space, it is important to use the space as efficiently as possible.:
Comment optimiser l'espace d'un 2 pièces de 46 m2 ?
Agencement petit espace : comment optimiser un 2 pièces ?
raised floor level to make sotrage bed, then recessed bed to create an even sight line
17 Platform Beds You’ll Instantly Fall in Love With (For Under $500!)
Design on Another Level: Platform Furniture, Raised Rooms and Other Ideas & Inspiration
Nouveauté dressing : les plus beaux, gain de place
Mezzanine bed with pull out closets
These IKEA Storage Bed Hacks Look Luxe While Maximizing Space
IKEA DIY Ideas: 6 Ways to Make Your Own Platform Bed (with Storage!) — From the Archives: Greatest Hits
Browse Bedrooms Archives on Remodelista
a great built in platform bed with storage in natural plywood perfect for a multi functional space