Baobabs and other trees

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L'"albero pensatore". Un antico ulivo che si trova in..
20 Bäume, die nicht wie Bäume aussehen und die man zwei Mal ansehen muss, um es zu begreifen
Das Phänomen, dass man Gesichter und Gestalten in Dingen entdeckt, die garkein Gesicht haben hat einen Namen: Pareidolia. Es wird euch vielleicht auch schonmal passiert sein, dass ihr in der Front eines…
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Die besten 100 Bilder in der Kategorie baeume: Riesen Baum - Affenbrotbaum?
Wie aus einer anderen Welt
wald-spektakulaer (10)
Balancing Flow - Online Power Yoga Class with Jamie Kent
Baobab Alley, Madagascar. Perfect place for *Balancing Flow* with Jamie (click image)! #YogaDownload #TakeYogaAnywhere
“Every breath is a step to the afterlife, so have compassion for one another. This is a journey, the kindness that you show to fellow travelers engenders love. We are all on this journey together.” Hamza Yusuf
Trees creating natural framing and the low vantage point is pretty cool
Blue Jacaranda , Jacaranda mimosifolia more often known simply as the "Jacaranda", is a sub-tropical tree native to South America that has been widely planted elsewhere because of its beautiful and lo
Spirit Tree Woman With Stones - Etsy
.Spirit Tree Woman with Stones by Shaping Spirit