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This is Jacob's Well -- Bir Ya'qub -- where Jesus encountered a Samaritan woman and discussed the spiritual "water" which quenches forever the deepest thirst (John 4:1-42) .This well, from which Jesus once asked a drink, is fed by underground springs, and its water is fresh and cool. Because the water is moving and not from a cistern, the ancients called it "living water" -- a term to which Jesus gave a new and special meaning. He said HE is the living water!
Be'er Sheva, Tel Be'er Sheva, cistern
Beer Sheva, Tel Beer Sheva, citerne. Site archéologique croit être les restes de la ville biblique de Beersheba, ISRAEL
Ancient Gate at Dan, Israel; likely that Abraham walked through this gate
The ancient mud brick gate at Dan, Israel, is nearly 4,000 years old. It is very likely that Abraham of the Bible walked through it. When hi...
Pools of Bethesda
Pools of Bethesda by, via Flickr. Click on photo to connect to the website where there are many Holy Land photos.
Israël un pays grand comme 2 départements français - les douze tribus
#jerusalemabsolve #jerusalem #merciful #contains #century #absolve #writing #hebrew #redeem #cities #oldest #accept #known #dated #judahAcceptor Acceptor may refer to:
Pool of Bethesda by David Morefield
Pool Of Bethesda Photograph by David Morefield
Israel on Instagram: “Colors of Jerusalem 📸@salutbyebyeblog #jerusalem #israel #igisrael”
Going Rogue (Published 2012)
The New York Times reports on Claire Danes's experience while filming "Homeland" in Israel
10 Incredible Cases Of Jewish Resistance During The Holocaust - Listverse
In 1940 Auschwitz I is established in Nazi controlled Poland. The Auschwitz camp system was the largest of the concentration and death camp complexes built by the Germans in during World War II.
Les photos d'archives de la libération se superposent avec le présent - KULTT
Les photos d’archives de la libération se superposent avec le présent