
44 Pins
How to Make Upcycled Egg Carton Flowers in a Few Easy Steps
Easter is just around the corner and egg dyeing fun is upon us! No doubt, trash cans across the country will be littered with empty egg cartons! I felt like I should do my part and save a few. Those little egg cradles can become beautiful flowers with just a few easy steps! #atozcustomcreations #upcycledcrafts #repurposing #springcrafts #springideas After cutting away (and saving) the tall points of the carton, cut out each cradle. Fold the egg cradle in half... Cut a heart shape…
Kathleen Nowak Tucci Jewelry Artist | Artful Home
Necklace | KATHLEEN NOWAK TUCCI-USA" Kathleen Nowak Tucci, a Gulf Coast eco-designer and artist for 25 years, has turned her creative focus to designing couture accessories constructed from recycled rubber bicycle and motorcycle inner tubes. Her current collections include necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings, belts and purses. Appearing in Fashion Market Week in NYC three times a year, Tucci’s designs have landed in some of the most exclusive boutiques across the United States and Europe."