100 jours d école

41 Pins
I needed one little insect for a project I am working on but got carried away using the tiniest pieces of scrap paper to make this collection.
... à l'école du bord du monde
Traces écrites pour l'intégralité du projet Chaque jour compte (CP) ^________^ ! ~ Elau
Emporte-pièce prénom Petit Beurre (Personnalisable)
Emporte-pièce pour le 100ème jour d'école. La Boite à Cookies
A Peek at My Week and 100th Day of School!!!
A Peek at My Week and 100th Day of School!!!Place Value with The Three Little PigsPlace Value and Sneaky E VideosPig Houses...
What a great idea! Use glow sticks for your 100th day of School - 100 days brighter theme! Teachers Notebook
* La fête du 100 ème jour d'école 2014 - Une enseignante pas ordinaire dans une classe extraordinaire
Cupcakes aux 100 sucres - problème de recherche
A Peek at My Week and 100th Day of School!!!
A Peek at My Week and 100th Day of School!!!Place Value with The Three Little PigsPlace Value and Sneaky E VideosPig Houses...
100th Day of School - Classroom Freebies
100th Day of School
100 Days and Counting....!!!!
100th Day Snack Idea
100th Day Coloring Activities-FREEBIE
100th Day Coloring Activities-FREEBIE
100th Day
100th day of school