
14 Pins
the addition worksheet for numbers to 10 and 12 is shown in this image
für die Kopfrechenordner
an image of a book with numbers and pictures for children's books, including the number
Mathelesespuren: Zahlwörter bis 100
the german language worksheet for children to learn with their teacher's hands
Satzergänzung: Adjektive einsetzen - Therapiematerial Sprache - madoo.net
printable worksheet for addition and subtraction with numbers 1 to 10
Kopfrechnen plus ZR 20
the worksheet for addition to subtraction with two numbers and one number
Kopfrechnen ZR 20 (4)
the printable worksheet for an adjutive and gegenatie
Adjektive - MaterialGuru
an easter egg is shown with numbers and times on the top, as well as other numbers
Ostern im ZR 20 ohne Ü
a crossword puzzle with pictures of animals and other things to see in the image
Frühling - Kostenlose Arbeitsblätter
a crossword puzzle for children with animals on it and the words kinderkrreuz
Kinderkreuzworträtsel mit Tieren zum Ausdrucken