Rezepte für chnorrli

144 Pins
Potato pizza in muffin pan
Potato Puzza
Potato pizza in muffin pan
This may contain: a person is picking up some food from a plate
Die knusprigsten Ofen-Kartoffeln
30min · 6 servings Zutaten • 2kg mehlig kochende Kartoffeln • 4g Backnatron • 5 EL Olivenöl • 3 Knoblauchzehen • 1/2 Zitrone • 1 Zweig Rosmarin • Salz & Pfeffer
Zitronenplätzchen von baghira555| Chefkoch
Zitronenplätzchen, ein sehr schönes Rezept aus der Kategorie Kekse & Plätzchen. Bewertungen: 57. Durchschnitt: Ø 4,3.
5min · 6 servings
Let’s make Veggie Latkes in the Waffle Iron
5min · 6 servings
This may contain: homemade pie crusts being made in the oven
Caramelized Upside Down Apple Tart Recipe by halfacoco
20min · 2 servings Caramelized Upside Down Apple Tart Recipe • Ingredients: • Rolled puff pastry • 1 apple, sliced • Maple syrup • Sunflower seeds • Egg yolk • Icing sugar for dusting • 1. Pour 1 tbsp maple syrup on a lined baking sheet. Sprinkle 1 tsp sunflower seeds. Place 2 round slices of apple on the maple syrup and cover with a round piece of puff pastry bigger than the apple diameter. • 2. Brush with egg yolk and bake at 180c for 20 minutes until golden brown. • 3. Lesve to cool completely vefore turning over. • Dust with icing sugar and enjoy! • #appletart #puffpastry #recipes #maplesyrup #caramel
Save my Cinnamon Apple Tea!😍✨🫶 by @healthymoodsf This is one of my go-to recipes - it’s cozy, delicious, and perfect for winter nights. 🍏🍎 Ingredients: 1 L boiling water 1/4 - 1/2 orange, roughly chopped 1 apple, chopped 3 cinnamon sticks or 1 tsp cinnamon Handful of fresh mint 2 teabags or 2 tbsp loose tea of choice (I used black and basil tea) 2 tsp honey Chop up the apple, slice an orange, and add them to the teapot. Then add mint, cinnamon, honey, and tea. Pour boiling water, cover wit...
Zuckerfreie Plätzchen mit Apfelmus | Babyled Weaning
Zuckerfreie Plätzchen mit Apfelmus
Bananen Nuss Cookies mit Haferflocken (vegan) - Bake it naked
Bananen Nuss Cookies mit Haferflocken (vegan) - Bake it naked