
231 Pins
This may contain: a person is cutting food into small pieces on a table with bowls and plants in the background
Des Recettes Simples et Savoureuses à Préparer en Quelques Minutes !
#RecettesSimples #CuisineExpress #RepasRapide #RecetteDélicieuse #FacileÀCuisiner #CuisineDuQuotidien #RepasEnFamille #IdéesDeCuisine #RecetteSaine #InspirationCuisine
Holiday Wreath Appetizer Salmon and Boursin Cheese In A Puff Pastry Dough
Turn this love tarte of sole into wreath with a little green and red garnish! This is a crowd pleaser and a great last minute appetizer you can bring to the party and still impress the guests. Smoked Salmon and spreadable Boursin Cheese in a puff pastry dough and baked at 350 degrees shoulf keep them all very satisfied. A simple, easy, quick love your life recipe! Now relax and enjoy! #perfectchristmaspartyappetizer #smokedsalmonideas #holidaypartyfoodideas #holidayfoodwreath #thebestappetizers
This contains an image of: 😋
{ Feuilletés Apéro thon ~ fromage frais } ✨🎄✨… Recette 5 série spéciale « Fêtes de fin d’année » 🥳 Rapide et gourmande pour vos apéros de fêtes, cette recette sera parfaite ! . 👉🏻Ingrédients: -1 pâte feuilletée rectangulaire -1 boîte de thon à l’huile -200g de fromage à tartiner ail et fines herbes -le jus d’1/2 citron jaune -1/2 CC de piment d’Espelette -sel & poivre -1 jaune d’œuf -des graines de sésame -50g de beurre fondu . 👉🏻Préparation: 🔸Préchauffer le four à 180 degrés 🔸Mélanger le th...
Easy, delicious Chicken Fried Rice Recipe. Ingredient Chicken 200 grams/7oz Cooked rice 4 cups or two servings Garlic 2 cloves Onion 1 Spring onions 2-3 Mixed diced vegetables, frozen or fresh, 2 cups ( about 200 g ) Cooking oil 2 tbsp ( sunflower, peanut, or vegetable oil ) Sesame oil 2 tsp Egg 2 Salt to taste For stir-fry sauce Regular soy sauce 2 tbsp Dark soy sauce 2 tsp Oyster sauce 2-3 tbsp White pepper half tsp Sugar 1 tbsp Instructions Combine regular soy sauce, dark soy sauce,...
This may contain: someone is holding some food on a black plate
Cestinhas de queijo e alho assado🎄❤️
Ingredientes: 1 cabeça de alho Massa para pastel redonda 1/2 xícara de cream cheese 1/2 xícara de creme de leite 1/4 xícara de queijo parmesão 1/4 xícara de queijo mussarela Salsinha e pimenta a gosto Azeite #queijo #aperitivos #receitasnatalinas #petiscos #receitas #receitasfaceis #receitasimples #receita #comida #comidaboa #comidas #siltuzzi #salgados #entradinhas #natal2024 #ceiadenatal #chistmas
This may contain: there is a fork stuck in some meat
Magret de canard caramélisé 🦆
Magret de canard caramélisé, une recette de notre ami @totocuistot, membre du club des créateurs Chefclub
This may contain: a person dipping something in a small bowl on top of some fried bread sticks with ranch dressing
Vegetarische & Einfache Blumenkohl Frikadellen
Vegetarische & Einfache Blumenkohl Frikadellen credits by Zutaten; 1 Kopf Blumenkohl ca. 560g 1 Handvoll Brokkoli (ca 60g) 1 Ei 1 kleine Möhre 1 kleine Zwiebel 1 Knoblauchzehe Etwas Petersilie 120g Paniermehl/ Semmelbrösel + 2 EL 70g Mehl Jeweils 1/2 TL Backpulver, Paprikapulver edelsüss, Chili, Minze und Pfeffer Salz ( nach Geschmack) ▫️▫️▫️ Dip 3 EL Joghurt 1 EL Mayonnaise 1 Knoblauchzehe Etwas Salz, Pfeffer und getrocknete Minze Zubereitung: pull recipes are on lnstagram, go check them out @gourmetgaze0 blumenkohl #frikadellen #vegetarisch #fyp #tiktokrezepte #viedoviral #asmr #cooking #cookies #fyp #foo #food #foodie #foodtok #tiktokfood
Bacon Brie Crescent Wreath
This bacon brie crescent wreath will be the star of your holiday party. Get the recipe at #delish #easy #recipe #christmas #holiday #Party #appetizer #fingerfoods #bacon #brie #crescent #pillsbury #foracrowd #video