Maske BiG

48 Pins
Red Wing #bird of paradise| Scarlet macaw in flight (looks like he is landing)
Birds of Sirpur, Indore by Bhalu Mondhe | Abhilash Khandekar | Kaustubh Rishi
Indian Roller: When the 'Neelkanth' / Indian Roller (Coracias benghalensis) is in flight, the most glorious of all blue feathers - the bright-blue, turquoise and indigo are all visible in their full majesty. Photo by Hansu Nahar
The Dance
Greater Bird of Paradise * * " Contrary to popular belief from a gooney song; I do NOTZ fly up peoples' noses."
Realistic Bird Paper Sculptures by Diana Beltran Herrera | Yatzer
Realistic Bird Paper Sculptures by Diana Beltran Herrera |
I do want to visit Sweden: Blue Snow Road, Stockholm, Sweden photo via mrswilson - Blue Pueblo
Inspirational Patterns that can be interpreted by #SICIS The Art Mosaic Factory and be created into a custom #mosaic