Natural beauty tips

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Homemade Rose Oil
How to make homemade rose oil. This is an easy DIY recipe for making your own rose oil at home. It’s easier than you might think.
What You Should Do About Hair Loss and Brittle Nails Treatment - Healthy Medicine Tips
#Hair Growth #Hair Growth diy #Hair Growth faster #Hair Growth products #Hair Growth tips #Hair Growth treatment Castor Oil has been used for HUNDREDS of years all over the world as a natural remedy for thin, stunted hair growth. It helps eyelashes & brows grow longer & thicker, as well as fight hair loss. #BlackCastorOilForHairLoss There are lots of happens that a lady has a robust aspire to quickly grow their hair. Since few like the extensions, there #CoconutOilAndHairLoss
DIY Soothing Rose Aloe Vera Toner
DIY Soothing Rose Aloe Vera Toner... I'd add Witch Hazel, then it would be perfect!
White Wards: Teeth Whitening Gel
Homemade Natural Rose Water Here we are going to know about 2 best methods of preparing rose water at home. pinterest: pinterest: ☞ katebrixx - Tap the link now to get your teeth whitening kit for FREE!
Lavender Oil to soothe your skin
Infusion Lavender oil soothes minor skin irritations and eczema. It is also suitable for mild burns, yeast infections or for insect bites. Lavender oil is present In various forms of home remedies such as salves, lip balms or massage oil. When mixed with water you can use infusion oil to fight with sunburn. #herbalism, #homeremedies, # Herbaldiy, #skincarerecipes, #herbalhealth #lavender #lavenderoil
How To Use Castile Soap - The Many Uses of Castile Soap
Uses of castile soap: body wash, shaving lubricant, hand soap, homemade baby wipes, multipurpose cleaner, soft scrub, washing laundry and dishes, etc. Just don't mix it with vinegar - they cancel each other out!
DIY Soothing Rose Aloe Vera Toner
How To Make DIY Soothing Rose Aloe Vera Toner Try making this toner. It is very simple and easy to make and the best part is that you can customize it as per your skin type. #Skin #Toner