
15 Pins
Rare Photos Of Young Stephen Hawking and Interesting Facts About this Brilliant Man | The Vintage News
Rare photos of the scientist Stephen Hawking and interesting facts about the life of one of the most important scientists of all time.
The Smartest Person Ever Enrolled At Harvard Was Actually An 11-Year-Old Boy
Charles Darwin. #UniversityofEdinburgh "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change” . . . "If the misery of the poor be caused not by the laws of nature, but by our institutions, great is our sin.”
“The most aggravating thing about the younger generation is that I no longer belong to it.” - Albert Einstein
26 important life lessons everyone should learn
These 10 life lessons from Albert Einstein will blow your mind wide open
Swiss Scientists Perform Massive Test of 80-Year-Old, 'Spooky' Quantum Paradox
Swiss Scientists Perform Massive Test of 80-Year-Old, 'Spooky' Quantum Paradox
Portraits of Scientists and Inventors
Portraits of Scientists and Inventors from The Smithsonian Dibner Library of the History of Science and Technology. Great to add to your lapbooks, games, biographies, unit studies and more!
DesignTAXI Community: Creative Connections, Conversations and Collaborations
Albert Einstein // Historic Black & White Portraits Of Famous Men, Now In Color - DesignTAXI.com
Beautiful Black and White Portraits of Famous People by Yousuf Karsh
Beautiful Black and White Portraits of Famous People by Yousuf Karsh