Ideen für den Unterricht

973 Pins
DIY Upcycling Geldbeutel aus einer Kaffeetüte - Tre
DIY Upcycling Geldbeutel aus einer Kaffeetüte - Tre
DIY – so bastelst Du Deine eigene Geldbörse aus Lederresten - treibholzeffekt |
treibholzeffekt | DIY Anleitungen für Treibholz, natürliche Materialien und Upcycling
Pssssst, I have a little surprise. I am in the Far East. I brought this flag with me made of silk noil, printed with logwood, pecan and walnut. All trees from right behind my house. If you’re not following me yet, this may be the moment to hit the ‘follow’ button because I am about to show you some really special things from a really really special place <3 #print #flags #dyedwithplants #dyeing