deko beton

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keramiek vogels
I love how these ceramic "sea birds" are staged oceanside! keramiek vogels - Google zoeken
Des poules de jardin en ciment
Poule de jardin en ciment sur une base en grillage, puis peinte dans tous les tons
Rachel Dein, Tactile Studio — The Nice Niche
this is soo cool. making imprints in clay and plaster casts Rachel Dein, Tactile Studio — The Nice Niche
Fisch aus Holzresten und Ästen im Stahlring - Karin Urban-NaturalSTyle
Endlich ein paar freie Tage, an denen ich mir wieder Bastel-Projekte vornehmen kann. Die Skizze für den Holzfisch hatte ich schon eine Weile liegen. Heute zeichnete ich den Kopf und die Schwanzflosse auf alte Zaunbrettreste, um sie mit der Stichsäge auszusägen. In einen rostigen Stahlring (ca. 40 cm Durchmesser) passte mein Mann ein …
Beton Schale rund petrol, Beton handbemalt, Geschenk für Frauen, Schale Deko, Weihnachtsdeko Beton: Handmade
Beton Schale rund petrol, Beton handbemalt, Geschenk für ...
Decorando o Jardim com Metal - Parte 1
O metal é um dos principais tipos de materiais utilizados atualmente para se produzir enfeites e acessórios de decoração para gramados e...
Esferas - Design, Estilo e Funcionalidade
Recentemente fiz um post sobre as esferas no jardim e sua aplicação na decoração de pequenos e grandes jardins, mas naquela ocasião ...
Fill nylon stocking with concrete for the base. Create gills underneath the cap with thin sheets of metal. Sculpt a mold for the cap, and press it into WET sand lined with a thin sheet of plastic, and slowly fill with concrete. Add realism by removing small wedges of concrete along the edge of the cap. Cap mold: A circle of cloth sheeting could be draped over a bowl/balloon, and brushed with concrete. The wavy edges could be created with rolled up newspaper under the edge of
Fill nylon stocking with concrete for the base. Create gills underneath the cap with thin sheets of metal. Sculpt a mold for the cap, and press it into WET sand lined with a thin sheet of plastic, and slowly fill with concrete. Add realism by removing small wedges of concrete along the edge of the cap. Cap mold: A circle of cloth sheeting could be draped over a bowl/balloon, and brushed with concrete. The wavy edges could be created with rolled up newspaper under the edge of