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42 Pins
Easy Homemade Deodorant That Really WORKS!
This easy full-strength deodorant recipe is safe enough to eat. Thousands of readers have tried this recipe and loved it. It is based on shea butter because it's not greasy and absorbs quickly, which is important if you're getting dressed quickly and rushing out the door. Here's what one reader said about this DIY deodorant recipe: "This recipe WORKS! I made some and had the whole family try it (brother mother husband etc) everyone loved it! I found it worked better than commercial. Deodorant
The Best Natural Dandruff Shampoo
You're going to love this Homemade Dandruff Shampoo. Forget paying way to much at the store when you can make this DIY dandruff shampoo at home. Try it!
Gesichts- und Körperpeeling selber machen
Gesichts- und Körperpeeling selber machen
Buchempfehlungen Naturkosmetik