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Fortnite Loading Screens List - All Seasons, Images, Battle Pass - Pro Game Guides
Fortnite Loading Screen List - All Available Loading Skins! - Pro Game Guides
▷ Yuletide Ranger - Fortnite Skin - Male Christmas Outfit
Yuletide Ranger - Fortnite Battle Royale Skin - 800 V-Bucks - Uncommon Rarity
Fortnite Item Shop 22nd December - All Fortnite Skins, Ginger Gunner & Merry Marauder Return - Fortnite Insider
#Fortnite Item Shop 22nd December – Merry Marauder & Ginger Gunner #Fortnite Skins Return #fortnite #fortnitebattleroyale #game
Slushy Soldier
Slush Soldier was a deep leak! What that means is that we didn't see it in the files. However, it was displayed in the trailer leading up to Season 7 of the Battle Pass. You can now be a snowman that has on an ugly Christmas sweater, top hat, bandolier with carrots, snowman grenades, and a carrot knife?! This skin is pretty crazy, and has a lot of custom details. It even comes with a Slushy Jr. Back Bling that you can carry around on your other skins.