Cultural Revolution Poster

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在瘋狂的「文革」時期,熊十力眼看中國傳統文化遭到最嚴酷的破壞,心痛至極,以至精神錯亂失常。他找不到說話的地方,只有將對「文革」的抗議寫在小紙條上,甚至寫在褲子上、襪子上以發憤懣。有時他披上一件連紐扣也掉光的舊長衫,腰間胡亂地繫着一條麻繩,獨自一人踟躇街頭,目光呆滯,面容悲戚,老淚縱橫地叨念着:「中國文化亡了,中國文化亡了。」 華夏文化,儒道兩家,一直互補共存。得意之時是儒家,失意之際是道家,士人進退有路可循,所以歷代不會出現太過激烈的革命,大抵只有治亂興衰的歷史循環。 只有共產中共時期出現接連不斷激烈的政治革命,因為共產中國與華夏文化根本無關。
The Modernisation of China and the Harrier ‘Jump-Jet’: Sino-British relations during China’s ‘opening-up’ to the World
In the aftermath of the Cultural Revolution, China stood amongst the poorest nations of the world, its level of global trade minimal, largely ostracised from the wider global community. Yet forty y…
In pictures: Rare China Cultural Revolution photos on display
“Men are not equal. Men are divided into conflicting classes. The victorious class imposes its will on the vanquished class. As long as there are classes, there cannot be true equality.”
A Panoramic View of China's Cultural Revolution
Cultural Revolution children marshing to heavy work
悲!被毁的童年(组图) - 红朝岁月 - 李清源
kids Mao'ized and militarized in Cultural Revolution China