Maxi Dresses

206 Pins
Wendy Victorian Dress
Wendy Victorian Dress by Recollections, history-inspired fashions. Classic Victorian style, cotton comfort! #Recollections #VictorianDresses #PrintDress
Long sleevless jacket out of wool material is perfect for autumn/ winter season.
I was sewing this jacket for over 2 months, but now it is ready to wear. It is actually my own project, and the wool material used to do the jacket is incredibly warm.
Stylish Layers for Fall & Winter — One Strange Bird
Image via Finch&Fawn // One Strange Bird Layering Tips
This item is unavailable - Etsy
"Dress how you wish to be dealt with!" (E. Jean) Do your clothing choices, manners, and poise portray the image you want to send?
Women's Blouses for Sale - eBay
The Statement Blouse - blue long sleeve blouse, women's blouses for work, ladies white shirt blouse *ad
Militärischer Stil: Militärmode ist für den Winter 2017 in Mode! - Mode und Kleidung
Militärischer Stil: Militärmode ist für den Winter 2017 in Mode! #militarischer #militarmode #winter