Werkstatt Tipps & Tricks

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Dowel Making Jig - The Woodworkers Institute …
Sharpening Guide
Sharpening Guide I use sandpaper to sharpen my chisels. By "sanding" the bevel of the blade flat and smooth, it produces a sharp edge in just a few minutes. The problem is holding the chisel at a consistent angle as you sharpen. To do this, I clamp the chisel to a simple sharpening guide (see photo). As you can see in the drawing at the right, the guide starts off as a pair of wedge-shaped support blocks that hold the top at a 25° angle. To square up the chisel (and keep it from shif
Pá de faca para escultura em madeira, amolador de ângulo com pinça, guia de afiação de faca - AliExpress 1420
Nova Escultura Em Madeira Escultura Faca Pá, cinzel Apontador de Ângulo Correção Braçadeira Faca Afiação Guia
Perfect Miters Every Time
Make Your Own Corner Clamps: 13 Tips for Perfect Miters Every Time http://www.familyhandyman.com/woodworking/perfect-miters-every-time
Jig-made Round Tenons - Woodworking | Blog | Videos | Plans | How To
You can make round tenons easily with this scrap-made jig and a bottom-bearing pattern bit or mortising bit. Our reader explains in this trick.
How to Make Corner Radius Templates
This jig creates PERFECT corner radius routing templates with EFFORTLESS precision! Way more accurate than free-handing on a bandsaw. Get the PLANS! – http:/...