
130 Pins
Самая большая подводная лодка в мире
Самая большая подводная лодка в мире: masterok
Russian Oscar II class submarine [1280 × 677]
Russian Oscar II class submarine [1280 677]
New Zealand's new mega tanker gets her name - CONTACT magazine
> >The Royal New Zealand Navy has announced that the name of its newest and biggest ship will be HMNZS
Captain Poses For Epic Picture On Bow Of His Huge Ship
Captain Poses For Epic Picture On Bow Of His Huge Ship
Captain Poses For Epic Picture On Bow Of His Huge Ship
Captain Poses For Epic Picture On Bow Of His Huge Ship
BP Energy Outlook: Ära der Gas-Pipelines ist vorbei - WELT
BP Energy Outlook: Ära der Gas-Pipelines ist vorbei - DIE WELT
war is only for stupids, but... - sucorsdaum: corvette suédoise HMS Visby
sucorsdaum: corvette suédoise HMS Visby