Cute things

40 Pins
Say hello to Marjory, she may be from 1995 but she's still kicking
#Who′s Your Best Friend?
Photographers Capture 22 Perfectly Timed Cat Images That Look Like Optical Illusions
Photographers manage to capture twenty-two perfectly timed cat photos.
When your dog had a bunch of puppies but you were too attached to give them away  - Aww post
When your dog has puppies but you can't give any away.
Animal Expressions That Perfectly Sum Up What It’s Like To Be A Parent - Funny
Animal Expressions That Perfectly Sum Up What It’s Like To Be A Parent
Tiere, die unbedingt Fotografen werden wollen | Funny animal pictures, Funny animals, Animals beautiful
Of COURSE the cat is eating it...:
The Zao Fox VIllage in Miyagi, Japan is home to 6 different species of fox — the most prominent of which is the Japanese red fox.
This right here.... - Animals
This right here....
Evil laugh dog being evil - Funny
Evil laugh dog being evil